New Drives Have Smaller Footprint

Rockwell Automation unveiled the Allen- Bradley PowerFlex 6000 medium-voltage AC drives for compressors, pumps and fans. The drives deliver a voltage range of 2.4 to 11 kilovolts (kV) and provide 100% starting torque, leveraging sensor-less vector control. The drives can be used for applications with output-voltage ratings up to 11 kV and motor current ratings up to 680 amps, while remaining an air-cooled design. With eco-designed main cooling fans, the drives meet EC Regulation 327 and ErP Directive 2009. A tertiary winding on the isolation transformer provides internal power for the fans.

Categories: Drives Electric - Motor Controls 

2017-10-19 | Rockwell Automation, Inc. | Sweden | Views 2910

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